In this article, I'll use the scenario of a snowboard manufacturer, Fluffy Boards, developing a format to capture marketing information about a new model of board called the Cumulus. 在本文中,我将使用来自滑板制造商FluffyBoards的一个场景,开发一种格式,使用它捕获称为Cumulus的新款滑板的销售信息。
The two firms would be considerably weakened; they would also be rivals again, despite having shared confidential technical and marketing information with each other over the past few months. 两家公司的实力都将大大削弱。虽然过去几个月它们在机密技术和市场信息方面实行了资源共享,但它们也可能再度成为竞争对手。
Chongqing Tobacco Monopoly and Marketing Information Management System Design and Implementation 重庆烟草专卖与营销信息管理系统设计与实现
Responsible for holds the market dynamic, seriously execute the client review system and marketing information feedback collection on time. 把握市场动态,认真执行客户回访制度,及时反馈市场信息。
Another service that help prevent surplus of farm products during peak seasons is consumer marketing information. 另一种防止旺季农产品过剩的服务是提供消费市场的情报。
This is the job of marketing research, the element of the marketing information system that is distinguished by its problem orientation. 这就是市场调研工作,它是以问题定向的市场信息系统的要素。
African Fertilizer Trade and Marketing Information Network 非洲化肥贸易和销售资料网
Use opt-in for all marketing information sent to customers. 使用选入的所有营销信息发送给客户。
Ability to analyze sales data and process marketing information, formulate monthly newsletter and collect branding source materials. 能够进行销售数据分析、市场资讯处理,对月度时事资讯进行整理?总,并收集商标的各类原始资料。
Be responsible for collecting of marketing information and analyze of rival companies; 负责市场信息的收集及竞争对手的分析;
They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. 他们是一个全新的媒介营销分享信息,观念,技术和专业知识。
The exterior information includes the marketing information, medium information, customer's information and the competition's opponent information, etc. 外部信息包括市场信息、媒体信息、客户信息和竞争对手信息等。
Collect marketing information, and look for new materials, research and develop new products. 搜集市场信息、寻找新材料、研发新产品。
He/ She must have good sensibility of client's needs, exploration of marketing information and market analysis skills. 该人选必须对客户的需求具有高敏感度,能够探查市场信息并具有良好的市场分析能力。
Tracking down the RM price and marketing information as well, then make the reasonable report for analysis. 负责原料价格及市场大环境的信息跟踪,并作出合理有效的分析性报告。
Know the definition of a marketing information system and be able to discuss its subparts. 定义营销信息系统并讨论其组成部分。
The US could also support programmes that include advisory services, marketing information, technology access and training, and access to equipment and warehouses. 美国还可以支持其他计划,包括顾问服务、市场营销信息、技术获取和培训以及设备和仓库使用。
FAO/ INFOFISH fish marketing information service 粮农组织/亚太渔业信息组织渔业市场信息服务
Ability to read, analyze and interpret ongoing news and marketing information, to be written in a report to the head of Sales and Marketing. 具有阅读、分析、解读相关新闻及市场信息,之后向销售市场主管报告的能力。
Fish Marketing Information, Promotion and Technical Advisory Services for Arab Countries 阿拉伯国家鱼类销售信息、促销和技术咨询服务
Collect hydraulics marketing information through CSR and customers. 通过客户和客户服务代表,收集有关液压市场信息。
TNS is marketing information group in the world and the leading provider of custom research in Asia Pacific. NS集团是大市场研究公司及亚太地区特定研究的领导者。
The integration information system can provide marketing information and supplier details. 结合信息系统能提供销售信息和供应商细目。
Planning and Design of IT Framework of Qinghai Power Marketing Information System 青海电力公司营销信息化系统IT架构规划与设计
Application of UML and CPN in Developing Enterprise Marketing Information Management System UML和CPN在企业销售信息管理系统开发中的应用
Power marketing information management system has been widely spread and applied in Zhejiang provincial power industry. 介绍了电力营销信息管理系统在浙江省电力系统中的普及推广应用。
A Study on the Functional Structure and Development of Marketing Information System 营销信息系统功能结构和开发研究
This paper discusses some problems in operation management of marketing information system. 就营销信息系统运行管理中的一些问题进行探讨,以期找到解决营销信息系统运行最佳效果的途径。
Through the analysis to the traditional marketing environmental variation, this article summarized the marketing connotation and the marketing information communication, and further analyzed the impetus of the new technology and new idea to word-of-mouth marketing function. 同时通过对影响传统营销环境变化的因素进行分析,总结了对营销内涵和营销信息沟通的新思考,并进一步分析了新市场环境中的新技术和新理念对口碑营销的推动作用。
Consumer will question the enterprise marketing information on credibility, stimulating degree and revealed form. 这会导致消费者认知不协调现象的出现,并对企业营销信息在可信度、刺激度和展露形式上产生质疑感。